Effective AR management is critical for enterprise businesses, to optimise working capital and retain margins. It has direct impact on the cost of funds. leading to profitability. However, it is becoming progressively challenging. Complexities like increasing automation, different regulations, changing client demands and new business models increase the time and effort required, putting stress on available resources.
CFOs end up spending a disproportionate amount of time worrying about managing AR and lumpy cashflows.
Finance Mangers
Spend a lot of time chasing sales teams for forecast of the incoming cashflows. Inaccurate
Sales Teams
Have to balance the need to realise dues on time with their growth imperative from the same customer. Even if they’re not directly responsible for collections, too much of their time is spent on AR queries and follow ups.
The increase in Net margin just by ensuring collections within due date
The increase in On time Collection, just by first time right invoicing
The number of leads a salesperson can generate in the average time spent on chasing dues!
This is where TanServ steps in, to free up your resources and bandwidth by taking up end to end responsibility of your AR Management.
We understand the varied requirements to service receivables of different vintages. We ensure that the receivables in the B2B scenario are serviced on time, every time. Whether it means prepping the customer days before the due date or tracking the progress on the payment, we work diligently, yet with a smile to enhance the customer experience. In the process, ensuring your teams get accurate information when needed, and the time to focus on their core objectives.
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